Monday, June 8, 2009


Yippee! for me!
I have achieved lambs.
I have two Katahdin ram lambs.
And I met a wonderful shepherd
with great herding dogs.
I spent several hours working
the herd with him to get these two.
It was a great evening and I thrilled to
watch his dogs work.
I hope to go back one day and I
have pre-ordered some chocolate ewes
from next spring's lambing.
We shall see how this goes.
It will be our first time with sheep.
As a zookeeper in my earlier life
I am more accustomed to African
hoofstock than to domesticated
farm critters.
These boys are going to cut the grass
and then they will fill the freezer!
Lamb stew and herbed bread
on a cold winter's day.
I can't wait.
Oh and the ducks are growing
up quickly. We need to
drag over the bathtub so their pool
can be bigger. They are outgrowing this.
They still demand to stay in the potting
shed at night, so I must herd them back and forth
everyday. But they herd very easily..
much, much easier than chickens, so
it is not much of a problem. I actually enjoy
herding them.. they are so funny to watch
and are so happy when they reach their destination.


  1. Now those are some cute ducks! Looks as if they have it made in the shade there! Sorry that one got ate by that snake! I don't blame you for taking care of him at all!
